
"Chen, you have somethin

in Nutzungshinweise für Gäste und Mitglieder 22.05.2020 09:11
von ylq • 23 Beiträge

"Chen, you have something to eat ... you don't know what to do like this ..." I heard a soft voice in the confusion Online Cigarettes, and a pair of warm hands touched me from above my head. Slightly looked up at her, and sat down contentedly ... Confused to hear the man crying: "Chen, I, I will take you to the veterinarian ..." Don't be like this, Yue Yue, I don't want to see you cry, Yue Yue, yes You bring me warmth ... It is you who make me feel that there is still love in this world! From the moment I remembered, I wandered by the garbage dump, searching for food, and living with and without meals. That's right, you guessed it. I'm a stray dog, because I'm not a "noble dog" or a "brand-name dog", so I don't have a home, no owner's love, and I can only live in the garbage dump. Adopted intermittently, abandoned, I don't know how many times it has, which makes me completely desperate. I would rather live in the garbage all my life than want to be abandoned. The feeling of being abandoned is beyond your imagination ... as usual, I was struggling to find food in the garbage dump behind a restaurant, and she came to pour out the garbage. Seeing me, she froze for a moment before returning to the kitchen. Unexpectedly, she came back again. It turned out that she was going to get me something to eat ... Her warm smile like a beam of sunshine hit my heart. After I ate and drank enough, I found her looking at me "so beautiful, like a star ..." Huh? I tilted my head and looked at her, was it talking to me? She held out her hand to me, "Puppy, your eyes are beautiful, like the stars in the sky, come home with me, I am also a person ..." I was stunned. She, she was the first person to say that my eyes are beautiful ... Hesitating again and again, I put my paw in her hand ... Along the way, she said to me, "Puppy, your eyes are like stars, or else Call you ... Chen! Yes! It is Chen! Beautiful like stars! "She put me in my arms, I struggled, really, I have never seen such a girl who does not love cleanliness, those girls usually see me as soon as they see me Hidden far away, this guy is so afraid of getting dirty! I was mumbling in my heart, it was a strange person ... When I got home, she took a shower for me, and turned around at her house, and found that she was really alone ... She picked me up and put me in her On my knee, said to me: "Chen, we will be family in the future, I am an orphan, a child without parents ... But now it is different! I have you, Chen, I have you! You are me Family. We will always be together in the future! "I lower my head and think, orphan? Just like me, there is no father and mother, no home ... I looked up at her excited expression, and my heart quietly responded, we will always be together! Maybe I lived in the garbage for a long time Wholesale Cigarettes... I didn't get sick soon, but she hurriedly sent me to the veterinary hospital. In the veterinary hospital, she listened carefully to the doctor ��s precautions and asked the doctor how to take care of me Cheap Cigarettes... At that moment, no, maybe as long as she took me home, I decided! I want to guard her now, she is crying for me, how can this be done. Feiyue, do n��t cry, you made me feel that there is still warmth in the world, I do n��t want to see you cry, you know, dog ��s life is short, is n��t it, I ca n��t spend time with you Yes, but, Yueyue, I believe you will be happy because you have a kind heart that will warm the heart of anyone (dog). Feiyue, you must be happy
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