
In a secluded stream,

in Nutzungshinweise für Gäste und Mitglieder 22.04.2020 04:24
von ylq • 23 Beiträge

In a secluded stream, another group of small life was born ------- they are small tail fish, because their tail was very small when they were born, so their mother gave them a loud name called "little tail" fish". As soon as the small-tailed fish is born, it is particularly bold. One day, they said to Mom and Dad: "Mom and Dad, we grow up, we should go and see the outside world." Mom and Dad began to disagree, and then after the small tail fish's request again, finally agreed to this day, the sky was bright , The little tail fish set off, they swim, they suddenly saw a behemoth in front of them blocking the way mokingusacigarettes.com. The behemoth slowly stretched out his limbs and reached out his head. It turned out that this behemoth was a millennium turtle at the bottom of the river, Just now, he was drunk and fell asleep on the road, and now he was woken up by the little tail fish. The thousand-year-old turtle asked, "Little guy, where are you going?" "We are going to explore the world and we are going to look ahead!" The little tail fish replied. The thousand-year-old turtle quickly said, "You can't go ahead, you can't. It's dangerous to enter the estuary." The thousand-year-old turtle said with his thick forelimb pointing forward. The little tail fish don't care so much, they rushed forward together. At this time, they heard a very majestic sound, as if ten thousand lions and tigers were roaring together Marlboro Lights. They had swam across the estuary, the endless, choppy sea, greeted them with a majestic song. Soon after entering the sea, many brothers were washed to the shore by the sea water and baked by the sun to make small tail fish. The remaining small tail fish did not retreat. They continued to move forward. On this day, unfortunate things happened again. The small tail fish hit the shark prince ��s birthday patrol team. The small tail fish destroyed the good mood of the shark prince Cigarettes For Sale. When the shark prince was angry, he sucked the small tail fish together with a lot of seawater. In the mouth, the small-tailed fish smelled a pungent stomach acid, and felt burning pains in their bodies. They felt fear and terrified. Suddenly, they received a strong impact. They closed their eyes in fear, and when they opened their eyes, they found that they were far away from the Prince Shark. It turned out that when the shark prince spit out the sea water, he also spit out the small tail fish with water and mud out of the teeth, and the small tail fish again saw the bright small tail fish. Blue, blue like beautiful chrysanthemum petals, at the same time so clear, clear like transparent glass, small tail fish intoxicated. Suddenly, it was dark in front of them. They broke into the magic palace of the magician Squid Mother-in-law. The mother-in-law squirted the ink-like poisonous juice to the little tail fish, the sea water was cloudy, and the little tail fish was dizzy He lost his way. At this very moment, the thousand-year-old turtle at the bottom of the river appeared in time to guide them to a safe place. The little tail fish finally escaped this disaster. Then more difficulties and obstacles await them, how will their destiny be?
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