
Cheap NBA Jerseys Free Shipping

in Archeoworld Forum 07.05.2019 04:07
von gsnoopy520 • 230 Beiträge

WHEN Zhan Wenlian died Cheap NBA Jerseys Free Shipping , her husband and son didn’t consider a normal burial. Instead, they had her body frozen, hoping technology would someday return her to them.

Zhan, 49, died from lung cancer on May 8. Two minutes after she was declared dead at Shandong University’s Qilu Hospital, scientists and doctors injected various chemicals into her body in an attempt to reduce blood clotting and brain damage.

Then her body was transferred to a laboratory at Shandong Yinfeng Life Sciences Research Institute Cheap NBA Jerseys From China , where her body temperature was lowered and her blood replaced with a mixture of anti-freeze and organ-preserving chemicals.

The temperature of her body was further lowered before she was wrapped in a “sleeping bag” and put in a metal capsule. It is being stored in a liquid nitrogen container at a temperature of minus 196 degrees Celsius.

“The device will monitor the temperature and volume changes of the liquid nitrogen. Approximately every 10 days, staff will add liquid nitrogen,” said Zang Chuanbao, director of the institute’s cryo-medicine research center.

  Zhan Wenlian's body was transferred to a laboratory at Shandong Yinfeng Life Sciences Research Institute, where her body temperature was lowered and her blood replaced with a mixture of anti-freeze and organ-preserving chemicals

‘Pressed the pause button’

“I thought she was just lazy and fell asleep. She just pressed the pause button on her life,” said Gui Junmin Cheap NBA Jerseys China , Zhan’s husband.

The Jinan-based research institute was established by Yinfeng Biological Group in 2015. Its fields include gene engineering, stem cell technology, human cell and organ storage and resurrection.

“Theoretically, her metabolism and cellular activity are stagnated. There is no issue with keeping her body like this for centuries. Perhaps, one day when technology advances, she can be resurrected Cheap NBA Jerseys ,” said Zang.

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